
How to Digitally Monitor Labour Costs in the Construction Industry


Project Vectors

16 Aug 2023

In today’s fast-paced construction industry, effective monitoring of workforce hours and onsite activity is crucial not only for operational efficiency but also for accurate calculation of labour costs. Enter PVManager, an innovative app designed to help construction businesses keep a tight rein on their labor, visitors, subcontractors, and equipment time logs. Here’s a deep dive into how this application can revolutionize the way construction businesses operate.

1. Seamless Integration with Modern Gadgets

PVManager seamlessly integrates with contemporary devices, particularly iPads and tablets. With its user-friendly interface, even individuals without much tech expertise can navigate and utilize it with ease. Positioning this application in the site office allows businesses to consolidate their time-tracking efforts, thereby facilitating more effective monitoring of labour costs.

2. Tailored Features for Varied User Groups

Upon opening the app, users are greeted with four distinct buttons:

  • Company’s Personnel
  • Site Visitors
  • Subcontractors
  • Tools & Equipment

Each button serves a unique function tailored to the user’s needs, ensuring that everyone’s hours and activities are logged with precision.


3. State-of-the-Art Facial Recognition

For company personnel, the sign-in process is as smooth as it gets. Once they click on their designated button, the app’s in-built facial recognition system quickly identifies them, logging their entry and exit times with pinpoint accuracy. This removes the need for manual logging, badges, or punch cards.

4. Automated Calculation for Labour Costs

One of PVManager’s standout features is its ability to automatically calculate labour costs. After recording the in and out times, the app determines the total working hours for each employee. These hours are then multiplied by the respective hourly rates, updating the project dashboard and generating real-time labour cost reports. This feature can be a game-changer for project managers aiming to control their project budgets and ensure financial transparency.

5. Simplified Sign-In for Visitors and Subcontractors

For visitors and subcontractors, the sign-in process is just as hassle-free. Instead of facial recognition, they can sign in using their mobile numbers. This ensures that even first-time visitors or new subcontractors can log their hours without any setbacks.

6. Audit-Ready Day Diaries

Each sign-in and sign-out is meticulously recorded in a day diary, providing businesses with an invaluable tool for audits. Whether you’re looking to cross-check timesheets, verify subcontractor hours, or ensure visitor protocols are being followed, PVManager’s day diary has you covered.


In an industry where time is money, and efficiency can make or break a project, PVManager offers construction businesses an unparalleled advantage. By combining the latest in technology with an intuitive interface, the app promises to be a vital companion for construction businesses aiming to streamline their operations, reduce overheads, and maintain an edge in today’s competitive marketplace.

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